and now, a break from our regularly schedule programming
Labels: crazy
is the blog of rebekah heacock, a digital media habitué who writes about technology, aid & development, and how to deflect the
romantic attentions of Ugandan public transit employees.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Unless specifically otherwise attributed, all content reflects nothing more than the author's own opinion, experience and predilection for referring to herself in the third person.
*N.B. that, title notwithstanding, she's actually not all that fond of jackfruit.
Labels: crazy
Intelligence. What you get when you read the Ugandan blogosphere. This motley crew is so funny, so witty, so neurotic, you can't leave without being impacted. Every morning, I come here to read what others are thinking and I come away with an idea that I believe makes a difference. Man, they just too many...
Labels: ugandan blogosphere
Hello there
I was searching for Aga Khan online and came across your website.
Let me introduce myself, my name is [redacted: I'm going to call him JoeBob] and I will be marrying an Ismaili woman come May 2007. I have courted her for over 7 years now.
In that time, I have been witness (not personally, but heard) to many of the rituals that her family participate in their "jamat khana."
I have had so many of my questions unanswered when I display a passing interest in the religion and Aga Khan in particular.
My questions mainly pertain to the money that is collected from all these "activities." They have donation drives, and something called a partnership walk and many other "festivities" that I am undoubtedly unaware of.
The Ismailis get goosebumps whenever the Aga Khan's name is mentioned.
I just don't get it. How can a "white" guy living in palaces in France be considered a Saviour of these predominantly Indian, Pakistani and African Ismaillis??
Islam forbids gambling on one hand and this Aga Khan has one of the worlds best collection of race horses. Isn't that strange??
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your blog. I have bookmarked it and will read all your articles (specially ones on "Aggie" as you call him ... funny as heck) with great interest.
Labels: aga khan
Labels: crazy, modes of transportation
Labels: ugandan blogosphere
Labels: afrobloggers, conflict, jackfruit of the week, northern uganda, u.s. politics
Labels: best of blogs, happy hour, ugandan blogosphere
Labels: afrobloggers, jackfruit of the week, northern uganda, social media, technology, ugandan media
Labels: best of blogs, happy hour, ugandan blogosphere, ugandan media
Labels: conflict, ugandan blogosphere, ugandan politics
Labels: best of blogs, happy hour, technology, ugandan blogosphere
Labels: crazy, ugandan politics
Labels: global voices, technology, ugandan blogosphere, ugandan media