jackfruit of the week: march 22
Lots of fun things to talk about, post-Gulu/Lira/Apac. Links while I'm getting all of my stories ready:
- Jackfruit Music: a Canadian band after my own heart
- amatomu: the south african blogosphere, sorted is, can I just say, awesome. The main page features an SA Zeitgeist, a blog search, a list of the top 10 SA blogs, latest posts, newest blogs and more.
- What Northern Uganda Peace Advocates Rarely Talk About is a good piece by Josh on how the US anti-terrorism mania is taking precedence over conflict resolution efforts
- Happy hour posts from the 27th Comrade, Baz, Dee and Ish (I promise a glitter graphic is coming soon)
Labels: afrobloggers, conflict, jackfruit of the week, northern uganda, u.s. politics