in need of an explanation
Wednesday, 16 May 2007, approximately 3:00 PM, heading north on Yusuf Lule Boulevard, Kampala, Uganda: I see a man riding a boda-boda, carrying a pair of snow skis.
Labels: crazy, modes of transportation
is the blog of rebekah heacock, a digital media habitué who writes about technology, aid & development, and how to deflect the
romantic attentions of Ugandan public transit employees.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Unless specifically otherwise attributed, all content reflects nothing more than the author's own opinion, experience and predilection for referring to herself in the third person.
*N.B. that, title notwithstanding, she's actually not all that fond of jackfruit.
Labels: crazy, modes of transportation