UBHH: Intelligent. Witty. Sexy. Occasionally ridiculous.
The February Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour will be held on Thursday, February 15 at 6:30 PM at Mateo's (above Nando's on Kampala Road, Kampala). Happy Hour is the last chance to turn in your nominations for the 2006 Uganda Best of Blogs, so don't miss out! (If Valentine's Day takes its toll on you and you absolutely can't make it, you can e-mail your nominations to me at jackfruity@gmail.com.)
As always, bring your friends, your charm, and your political manifestos. (Despite your many insistent offers, I kindly request that you leave your jackfruit at home.)
As always, bring your friends, your charm, and your political manifestos. (Despite your many insistent offers, I kindly request that you leave your jackfruit at home.)
Labels: best of blogs, happy hour, ugandan blogosphere