February UBHH

Last night's Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour was attended by almost 20 people, both bloggers and the blog-curious. As Dennis says, we were sitting at an L-shaped table, which for some reason inhibited my picture-taking desires, but Pernille has an interesting photo up.

Nominations for the 2006 Uganda Best of Blogs awards are in, the results have been tallied, and the candidates are listed for your voting pleasure. Awards will be presented at the March UBHH, which will be on Thursday, March 15 at 6:30 PM at Mateo's. My apologies to the few of you who asked for different days/venues — the consensus seems to be that the current time and place works best for most people. If I'm wrong, hit the comments below and let me know.

Thanks to everyone who came last night. It was great to see the returnees and meet those who came for the first time (including the Peace Corps volunteer we attracted with our fetching sign):
Star of Bethlehem
A Crooked Mile
I've Left Copenhagen for Uganda
Uganda Scarlett Lion
K Spencer
Ivan (200 Coin Has Fish)
Dying Communist
Mark & Jan
Building the Nation

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